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Adding Docusaurus to a PowerShell Module project requires three steps:

  1. Adding the Docusaurus website skeleton
  2. Generating Module documentation
  3. Starting the Website

Adding Docusaurus

Open a PowerShell (Core).

Cd into your project's root folder.

Add the Docusaurus website skeleton by running:

npx @docusaurus/init@next init docusaurus classic

Modify newly created file docusaurus/sidebars.js so it looks like this:

const commands = require('./docs/commands/docusaurus.sidebar.js');

module.exports = {
docs: {
Docusaurus: ['doc1', 'doc2', 'doc3'],
Features: ['mdx'],
"Command Reference": commands

Generating Module Documentation

To generate Get-Help pages for any PowerShell module run the following command.

For demo data, replace YourModuleName with e.g. Microsoft.PowerShell.Management

New-DocusaurusHelp -Module "YourModuleName"

After the command has completed, the docusaurus/docs/commands folder should contain one .mdx file for each command exported by the PowerShell module.

Starting the Website

To start your website, cd into the docusaurus folder and run:

yarn start